Disability Support
Enabled operates 15 disability centres, and currently supports over 950 people with disabilities, both children and adults. Through our work, many children with disabilities are given the opportunity to go to school, experience unconditional love and learn about their inherent dignity as human beings.
We support a range of community needs for those with disabilities, including therapy, supply of appliances (such as wheelchairs) and tools (such as modified cutlery). We also provide education, job training and advocacy for people with a disability.
Meanwhile, we support the operation of four disabled people’s organisations and six disabled people’s groups in our area, to promote the wellbeing, participation and rights of people with disabilities, making them active participants in decision-making processes.
Breaking the stigma associated with being a person with a disability, or the parents of children with a disability, is critical in a Karma-based culture so as to enable communities to love, respect and embrace the diversity of those with special needs.
Our research has showed that as many as 60 percent of those with disability also have mental health issues. In response, we have implemented mental health resilience modules in five schools and amongst 55 youth. Our psychiatrist also assesses and treats many of those we serve.
However, finding therapists for our projects is difficult, as they typically end up in cities or abroad. Helping to stem this trend, Enabled and the Government of India have jointly established a training program in basic disability care. It allows people from within communities to gain a government certification to support people living with a disability in their communities. We trained 500 community disability workers in the first course in 2022, and will graduate 1000 workers each year hereafter.

Arul has cerebral palsy, and is now a valued member of his community